Better Search for Windows 11

In this article, we will talk about a better alternative for the Default Windows 11 Search.

In our daily use of the Default Search in Windows 11, we can encounter a lot of issues that can interfere with our overall experience of Windows 11. A lot of times the Search Box is slow and it doesn’t give you the wanted Search Results.

In this article, we will talk about Flow Launcher, which is a better alternative for the Default Windows 11 Search.

Download Flow Launcher

Once Downloaded, the installation process is very simple and silent.

This alternative is Open Source and in my opinion, it looks better than the default Search in Windows 11.

You can use this launcher to search for Apps, Settings, Control Panel, and Google instead of Bing.

All around, it gives you better and faster search results, also allowing blacklisting if you want to enable it.

It also has a very nice categorized Settings section that you can access if you right-click on the launcher and then click on Flow Launcher Settings.

You can also add Plugins and extend it’s functionality and customize Themes and Hotkeys.

In conclusion, I find Flow Launcher to be a better and faster alternative to the Default Windows 11 Search Box.

For a more in-depth tutorial, you can watch the video below from the youtube channel.

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