Firefox Theme with Windows 11 Mica Design (How to Enable)

In this article, we will talk about How to Enable a Firefox Theme that will mimic the Windows 11 Mica Material.

All Firefox users know that the browser is not very tight with Windows 11 Design-wise, so in this article, I will show you a Theme that you can enable in Firefox to get closer to the Windows 11 Experience.

You can either click on the 3 lines on the right side, Extensions & Themes, then Themes to search for Windows 11, or you can just use the link below.

Windows 11 Light or Windows 11 Dark

To Enable the Themes, just click on Enable, then Add, and you will get the results below.

Windows 11 Light Mica Material for Firefox

Windows 11 Dark Mica Material for Firefox

For a more in-depth tutorial, you can watch the video below from the youtube channel.

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