In this article, I will show you How to Enable the Tablet Optimized Taskbar in Windows 11 (On Any PC).
Windows 11 has a different taskbar for Touch Devices with larger icons and different animations. Normally you don’t have access to that on a normal computer, but in this article, I will show you how to enable this on any computer even if you don’t have a Touch Screen.
Disclaimer: This can’t be enabled yet on the Main Release of Windows 11, only on the latest Builds from the Release Preview, Beta, and Dev Channels from the Windows 11 Insider Program.
First of all, we need to enable the Tablet Optimized Taskbar, using Vivetool.
You will need to download ViveTool, which is a small app that will help us enable hidden features from Windows.

After you download ViveTool, you will need to extract the contents of the archive into the System32 location so that we can have full administrative privileges to the operating system.
Right-click on the archive and then click on Extract all. Select the System32 location and then click on Extract. You will also need to provide some administrative privileges.

After you’ve done that, you will need to open CMD as administrator and then copy and paste the following command:
vivetool /enable /id:26008830
After you run this command, you will need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
After the restart, we will need to make some Registry modifications. Open the Search Box, type Regedit and open the Registry Editor.
In the Registry Editor, you will need to navigate to this location:

In the Explorer Key, right-click on an empty space and then hover over New and DWORD 32-bit (Value).
Name the New Value: TabletPostureTaskbar and then double-click on it, to change its value to 1.

To make sure that the New Taskbar will be enabled, also make sure to right-click on the taskbar and then click on Taskbar Settings. Click on Taskbar Behaviors and then make sure that Optimize taskbar for touch interactions when this device is used as a tablet is checked.

After this, you will be able to notice the New Tablet Optimized taskbar, with larger icons and different animations.

Also when you open an App, you will notice that the taskbar will automatically hide.

For a more in-depth tutorial, you can watch the video below from the youtube channel.