Never Combine Taskbar Icons is Coming to Windows 11

In this article, we will talk about a New Feature that is about to be released in Windows 11, which is the Never Combine Taskbar Icons.

The info from this article and samples were provided by Albacore on Twitter. Make sure to follow him, if you want to learn more about unreleased features like this one.

This is a feature that a lot of users requested since the release of Windows 11. This Feature was a thing in Windows 7 or 10, but for some reason, Microsoft decided to remove it in Windows 11.

In the video above, provided by Albacore, you can see a sample of how that feature will look in the near future of Windows 11, along with the other elements from the taskbar.

Microsoft will have a lot of work to do, in order to implement this feature, and we are hoping for it to be released as soon as possible.

For a more in-depth look over this feature, you can watch the video below from the youtube channel.

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