In this article, we will talk about the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build for the Canary Channel, which is Build 25324.
Microsoft is releasing ISOs for this build – they can be downloaded here.
Thanks to PhantomOcean3, Albacore, Techosarusrex, Nytrona, and XenoPanther for discovering these features, follow them for more hidden features!
New Widgets Board
Microsoft is beginning to preview a revamp of the widgets board experience with a larger canvas (3-columns if supported by the device) and dedicated sections for widgets and feed content with a clear separation between them. This will provide users with quick access to glanceable content from their apps and services as well as enable users to take a high-value break with personalized news content.

USB4 Settings Page
Microsoft is also adding a USB4 hubs and devices Settings page for users under Settings > Bluetooth & devices > USB > USB4 Hubs and Devices. USB4 enables new productivity scenarios for docking, high performance peripherals, displays and charging. The USB4 settings page provides information about the system’s USB4 capabilities and attached peripherals on a USB4 capable system. These insights are meant to assist with troubleshooting in case users need support from their device manufacturer (OEM) or system administrator. The features provided by this page are:
- View the tree of connected USB4 hubs and devices.
- View attributes and capabilities associated with the USB4 domain.
- Copy the details into the clipboard so it can be shared with customer support or system administrators for troubleshooting.

If the system does not support USB4 with the Microsoft USB4 Connection Manager, this page will not be displayed.
To confirm whether your system is USB4 capable or not, check for “USB4 Host Router” populating in the Device Manager.

Unsafe Password Copy and Paste Warnings
Microsoft is trying out a change starting with this build where users who have enabled warning options for Windows Security under App & browser control > Reputation-based protection > Phishing protection will see a UI warning on unsafe password copy and paste, just as they currently see when they type in their password.

Introducing SHA-3 Support
Starting with this build, we are adding support for the SHA-3 family of hash functions and SHA-3 derived functions (SHAKE, cSHAKE, KMAC). The SHA-3 family of algorithms are the latest standardized hash functions by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Support for these functions has been enabled through the Windows CNG library.
- Supported SHA-3 hash functions: SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512 (SHA3-224 is not supported)
- Supported SHA-3 HMAC algorithms: HMAC-SHA3-256, HMAC-SHA3-384, HMAC-SHA3-512
- Supported SHA-3 derived algorithms: extendable-output functions (XOF) (SHAKE128, SHAKE256), customizable XOFs (cSHAKE128, cSHAKE256), and KMAC (KMAC128, KMAC256, KMACXOF128, KMACXOF256).
Animated Widgets Icon
Microsoft is also beginning to roll out animated icons for Widgets on the taskbar. The animation triggers when you hover or click on the Widgets taskbar entry-point or when a new widget announcement is displayed on your taskbar. Currently, only a few weather and finance icons are supported.
New Search on the Taskbar
Once you have access to the new Bing, the search box on the taskbar will include a button that opens the Bing chat experience in Edge. If you don’t have access to the new Bing, the search box on the taskbar will feature a dynamic search highlight button.

Input Changes
Microsoft also updated several simplified Chinese fonts and the Microsoft Pinyin IME to support GB18030-2022. With this update, you can enter and display characters from conformance level 1 or 2 via the additions to Microsoft Yahei, Simsun and Dengxian. Unicode Extensions E and F are now supported in our Simsun Ext-B font to meet the requirements for level 3.
Settings Changes
- As part of the deprecation of Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) and MSDT Troubleshooters, we have begun redirecting some of the troubleshooters found under Settings > System > Troubleshoot and in other areas of the OS to the new Get Help troubleshooting platform.
- If you have multiple cameras that support Windows Hello, you can now select your preferred camera under Settings > Accounts > Sign-in Options.

File Explorer Improvements
Made some changes which should noticeably help improve the performance of the “calculating” phase when sending a large number of files at once in File Explorer to the recycle bin.
New Desktop Spotlight UI
The new Desktop Spotlight UI has been updated and could be reintroduced in a future Build.
Dev Drives and Virtual Disk in Settings
In the Settings App, Microsoft is adding some new Options for Developers, such a Creating a virtual hard disk (VHD), or Creating a Dev Drive.

Widgets Icon on the Right
In this Build, you can also enable a Hidden Option that will allow your Widgets Icon to be located in the right side of the Taskbar, when your icons are set to the left alignment.

New Volume Slider
Build 25324 refines the quick settings sound output section once again, seems like there’s less padding and some new subtle lines to split each section.

New Start Menu Option
In this Build, in Start Menu Settings, you can Show websites from your browsing history inside the Recommended section of Start Menu.

New Snipping Tool Keyboard Shortcuts
Microsoft is adding a New Snipping Tool Screen Recording Keyboard shortcut (Win+Shift+R), and also an Updated Print Screen for Snipping Tool feature.
New Taskbar without Date and Time and a Permanent Notification Counter
Canary build 25324 has a hidden functional version of the hide system tray date and time feature and permanent notification counter, seems to be the same as 23419 including that it’s force disabled.

For additional information regarding this Build, you can check this article from the Microsoft Blog.
For a more in-depth presentation of the New Build, you can watch the video below from the youtube channel.