New Windows 11 Build 26241 – New File Explorer Feature, New Energy Saving Option, and Fixes (Canary)

In this article, we will talk about the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build for the Canary Channel, which is Build 26241.


  • This update includes a small set of general improvements and fixes that improve the overall experience for Insiders running this build on their PCs.

New File Explorer Feature

  • Drag-and-drop files with your mouse functionality between breadcrumbs is now available in the File Explorer Address Bar.

New Energy Saving Option

This Build also includes a New Energy Saving recommendation inside the Settings App.

Fixes in this Build


  • Updated the app icon flashing in the taskbar to be a bit easier to see.

File Explorer

  • As some Insiders have noticed, we’ve updated File Explorer so it’s a little easier to see when you have files or folders selected, by adding a thin border to the selected area.
  • Fixed an underlying issue causing File Explorer to crash when going to Home for some Insiders in the last few flights.


  • We’ve updated the underlying logic for when we suggest turning off notifications for certain apps, so that it requires a longer period of time without engaging with notifications from that app in order to trigger.

Known Issues in this Build

Microsoft is investigating reports that some Windows Insiders in the Canary and Dev Channels are stuck on Build 26040 or Build 23620. The investigation is ongoing, however if you are impacted by this and really want to get onto the latest build in the Canary or Dev Channel today – you can download the latest ISO here and do a clean install and opt your device back into flighting in the Canary or Dev Channels.

For more information about this Build, you can check this article from the Microsoft Blog.

For a more in-depth presentation of the New Build, you can watch the video below from the YouTube channel.

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