New Windows 11 Build 27764 – New Start Menu Feature, New Taskbar Battery Icon, and Fixes (Canary)

In this article, we will talk about the latest Windows 11 Insider Preview Build for the Canary Channel, which is Build 27764.

Things that you need to keep in mind in the Canary Channel:

  • The builds that Microsoft releases to the Canary Channel represent the latest platform changes early in the development cycle and should not be seen as matched to any specific release of Windows and features and experiences included in these builds may never get released as they try out different concepts and get feedback. Features may change over time, be removed, or replaced and never get released beyond Windows Insiders. Some of these features and experiences could show up in future Windows releases when they’re ready.
  • Many features in the Canary Channel are rolled out using Control Feature Rollout technology, starting with a small subset of Insiders.
  • Some features may show up in the Dev and Beta Channels first before showing up in the Canary Channel.
  • To get off the Canary Channel, a clean install of Windows 11 will be required. As a reminder – Insiders can’t switch to a channel that is receiving builds with lower build numbers without doing a clean installation of Windows 11 due to technical setup requirements.
  • The desktop watermark shown at the lower right corner of the desktop is normal for these pre-release builds.

New Start Menu Feature

When right-clicking on apps pinned to the Start menu, jump lists will be shown for apps that have them such as PowerPoint.

Jump lists will now be shown when right-clicking on apps pinned to the Start menu such as PowerPoint that have jump lists.

Dynamic Lighting Changes

  • When no compatible devices are attached, the Dynamic Lighting settings page will now show a placeholder message and Brightness and Effects controls are disabled.
  • On the Dynamic Lighting settings page, we have added Forward, Backward, Outward and Inward direction options to the Wave effect, and added the Forward direction option to the Gradient effect.

Input Change

Microsoft is beginning to roll out a change where we now hide the IME toolbar when apps are in full screen mode for those who have the IME toolbar enabled and type in Chinese or Japanese.


Microsoft have added new functionalities to Narrator scan mode. Skip past links (N’) allows you to navigate to the text after a link. This is most helpful when navigating through long emails, news articles, and wiki pages. Jump to lists (L’) allows you to quickly access a list on a web page or a document. To try these new features, you need to turn on Narrator first (Win key + Ctrl + Enter), then turn scan mode ON by pressing Caps Lock + Spacebar and finally use the new shortcuts – ‘N’ and ‘L’. Please note that scan mode is ‘ON’ by default on most web pages (like news articles, wiki page, etc.).

Speech in Windows

Microsoft have improved their speech-to-text and text-to-speech experience on Windows. Users of Narrator, voice access, live captions, live translations, and voice typing might see a message asking them to update their language files manually. The language files will be released separately through Microsoft Store.

New Taskbar Battery Icon

We’re also getting a New Taskbar Battery Icon, which turns to red when a certain low battery level is reached.

Fixes in this Build


  • Fixed an issue causing some Insiders to see a bugcheck with error PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA while using their PC starting with Build 27754.

File Explorer

  • We did some work to help address an issue where File Explorer might hang when browsing a folder with lots of media in it.

Taskbar and System Tray

  • Fixed an issue on secondary monitors for left aligned taskbar users, where the widgets text in the taskbar might overlap the date and time.


  • Fixed an issue where if pointer trails were enabled, the mouse cursor may become invisible with a black box behind it.

Task Manager

  • Fixed an issue where some HDDs were being incorrectly listed as SSD on the Performance page.


  • Fixed an issue which could result in lag and screen tearing on secondary monitors with full screen windows.


  • Fixed an underlying issue which could lead to Excel sometimes hanging on launch when opening certain files.

For more information about this Build, you can check this article from the Microsoft Blog.

For a more in-depth presentation of the New Build, you can watch the video below from the youtube channel.

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