In this article, we will talk about the New Windows App in Windows 11/10.
The New Windows App is a new way to Azure Virtual Desktop, Windows 365, Microsoft Dev Box, Remote Desktop Services, and remote PCs, securely connecting you to Windows devices and apps.
It is not meant for the normal user, as it requires you to connect with a Work or School Account.
You can use Windows App on many different types of devices on different platforms and form factors, such as desktops and laptops, tablets, smartphones, and through a web browser. When using a web browser on a desktop or laptop, you can connect without having to download and install any software.

Besides letting you switch between Microsoft Accounts, the App offers other useful features:
- Multiple monitor support.
- Custom display resolutions.
- Dynamic display resolutions and scaling.
- Device redirection, such as webcams, audio, storage devices, and printers.
- Microsoft Teams optimizations.
It can be easily installed through the Microsoft Store, in Windows 11 and Windows 10.
For more information about this New Windows App, you can check this article from Microsoft.
For a more in-depth presentation of the Windows App, you can watch the video below from the YouTube channel.