Windows 11 23H2 Release Date

In this article, we will discuss the Windows 11 23H2 Release Date.

There is a lot of speculation around the Release of Windows 11 23H2, with a lot of people saying dates such as 20th or 21st of September, others the 10th of October.

In this article, I’ve gathered around some information about the Windows 11 23H2 Release, which we will discuss and see if it points into a certain direction.

First of all, Microsoft has its Surface Products event on the 21st of September, which is a strong indicator that they could also release Windows 11 23H2 on the same date.

As Windows 11 23H2 is still not released on the Release Preview Channel, we can safely assume that the 21st of September could be a strong candidate for the Release of Windows 11 23H2 as Builds from the Release Preview Channel are Released to the Main Release within weeks. Also, there are some internal Release Preview Channel Builds, that suggest Windows 11 23H2 is very close to being released on the Release Preview Channel.

Even though the date is not certain, the month of the Windows 11 23H2 Release is pretty much certain with all the signs we have from Microsoft.

Here’s some info gathered from PhantomOcean3 and XenoPanther:

  • Strings in files and resources (example: Windows Backup references SeptMoment, Nickel September 2023 Moment UAP V15A MANIFEST SCHEMA in Canary, from Xeno)
  • The accidentally released Feedback Hub quests stating that the 23H2 velocity feature is MomentFeature_Sept23;
  • Various other velocity features mentioning Sept23 or 2309
  • Some talk about “an update coming in September” for archive formats which are a 23H2 thing

Feel free to state your opinion in the comments below, if you want.

For more information about the Windows 11 23H2 Release Date, you can also watch the video below from the youtube channel.

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